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The 180 Artworks of topic Disaster and containing the word marc chagall, ink, surrealism, disaster, warriors, wars, 1925

Pablo Picasso - GuernicaGuernicaPablo Picasso

Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It was created in response to the bombing of Guernica, a Basque Country village in northern Spain by German and Italian warplanes at the behest of the Spanish Nationalist forces, on 26 April 1937, during the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish Republican governmen...

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, Spain)
Max Ernst - Europe after the Rain IIEurope after the Rain IIMax Ernst

Medium of war, Max Ernst. Europe After the Rain remains his pullulating masterpiece, in which emotional desolation, physical exhaustion, and fears of the destructive power of total warfare combine - after the rain of fire, the biblical deluge, and the reign of terror. The title dates back to an earl...

Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, United States)